In 2011, after leaving my legal career and my home in the United Kingdom to move to Spain, I wanted to embrace a more mindful lifestyle. After years of being a workaholic, I wanted to take care of myself and experience a healthier way of living. I was in the right place. My new home […]
Brave Or Stupid. The F*ck It Moments That Change Our Lives.
In 2011, I made the biggest decision of my life. I had a real “f*ck it” moment. Enough was finally enough. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Call it the mother of all endings. Overnight, I walked away from my 15-year career as a Lawyer and all the security that came […]
Do It For The Love. How Random Acts Of Kindness Can Change The World
As I prepared to walk the Portuguese Camino de Santiago in the summer of 2018, I thought back to my first solo trip to Lisbon, Portugal, and the random act of kindness of a coffee shop owner on my first day. The owner asked me if this was my first time in Portugal and whether […]